Basketball Court Dimensions

Concrete Basketball Court
Basketball court and hoop

Court Size Overall

NBA and College              94 feet long  X  50 feet wide

High School                      84 feet long  X  50 feet wide

Junior High                       74 feet long  X  42 feet wide

Foul Line

For all courts the “foul line” is 15 feet from the front of the backboard to the foul line.

The Key or The Lane

The standard measurement for the key or the lane is 12 feet wide centered with the hoop and extends to the foul line. Then a 6 foot radius half circle extends out away from the hoop and connects to the ends of the foul line.

 The 3 Point Line (Arc)

High School – The 3 point arc is 19 feet 9 inches centered with the hoop.

College – The 3 point arc is 20 feet 9 inches centered with the hoop.

NBA – The 3 point arc is 23 feet 9 inches centered with the hoop.

Marking Lines

All marking lines are 2 inches wide.

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